WP Leader: InHolland
Institutions involved: All partners
The work package aims to:
– ensure the implementation of the pilot training courses & actions within an overall quality management plan of the project: encompassing quality management for (internal) and of (external) the project;
– realize the Integral Quality Assurance & Evaluation Plan (QA Plan) that defines the procedures and resources for recording the progress of the project’s proceedings, fostering the sustainable anchoring of the project’s outcomes in the practices of teachers and teacher-trainers (1st implementation –WP2 & WP3- and 2nd implementation -WP4, WP5);
– gather feedback from the external audit evaluation (see section Tasks that will be subcontracted in this WP).
To achieve these aims, the work package will include the following tasks:
T6.1 Definition of qualitative & quantitative criteria
The QA plan will be based on a number of criteria quantified on a regular basis and on a number of qualitative criteria which will assess the internal sustainability of the partnership and the projectresults. The quantitative criteria are based on the deliverables to be produced and the quantity that goes with each deliverable. The qualitative criteria concern the quality of the deliverables, the communication in the partnership and the valorisation of the deliverables.
T6.2 Realization of the QA Plan
The QA Plan will identify mechanisms for each WP to adjust work programmes, methodological approaches or even organizational agreements to bring it into compliance. The QA Plan will also focus on the external implementation and reflection of the project’s outcomes.
Key indicators will be identified to permit work methodology, interim results, outputs, and outcomes to be monitored, evaluated, at different levels of evaluation (ex-ante, in-itinere & ex-post), related to key success factors, measurable and actionable using Deming Cycle methodology (PDCA).
The QA Plan is vital for building the bridge from implementation (WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5) to sustainable anchoring in WP6, including the dissemination (WP7) and the exploitation of the qualitative outcomes (WP8).
With the internal quality manager, an independent external quality auditor will be appointed to provide a formative input to the project ensuring a full accountability of the project progresses. The quality manager will ensure insertion of the auditor/evaluator conclusions within interim and final EC reports.
T6.3 Assessment of the pilot training courses & further output
In this WP will be realized the assessment of the pilot training courses, planned and implemented in associated partner schools during the WP4, analyzing the effectiveness, possible obstacles and critical feedback (D6.3). This project’s output realized in collaboration with schools is the final reflexive step in the project before that the real exploitation will be taken up after the 1st and 2nd implementation phases and the focus on integration in teacher-training qualification programs.