WP Leader: UNIBO
Institutions involved: All partners
The work package aims to:
– design and implement an online environment (web repository), containing didactical materials, educational strategies and formative assessment tools;
– collect digital materials coming from: training needs’ analysis, the training courses planned, collection of teaching tools and assessment methods.
– promote the adoption of methods and techniques of teaching and assessment in mathematics education that has been used in the learning paths.
To achieve these aims, the work package will include the following tasks:
T5.1 Collection of digital materials
Collection of didactical materials, educational strategies and formative assessment tools, by type and use, to be uploaded in the web-repository.
T5.2 Definition of a metadata system
Definition of a metadata system for facilitating the cataloguing, archiving and searching of various digital materials collected, made accessible and usable through the repository.
T5.3 Design of the web repository
The web repository will be designed and implemented by technical and scientific staff, according to the project’s needs, the characteristics of the materials, their possible use and sustainability.
This repository will be fully accessible, allowing the public to benefit from the outputs, methods and tools realized and collected during the project. The web repository will be conceived as a user friendly website, very easily accessible even for new users and new teachers coming from other schools and regions.
T5.4 Implementation of the web repository
Implementation of the web repository that will be included in the project web site and used for the dissemination activities addressed to stakeholders and policy makers. The project website and the repository will continue being available for project partners and all the other users. The tools will be also presented at each local and international event in which participated for the promotion and dissemination of the project achievements.
T5.5 Loading of materials
The loading activities concerning content and materials will be developed by each partner all along the project once created the tools. Starting from the month 15, the videos and tools for formative assessment can be loaded into the online repository as a methodological resource for teachers’ pilot training courses .