WP Leader: UNIBO
All the partners will be involved
The work package aims to:
– continuously interact with new and already involved stakeholders in order to define an on-going strategy for the exploitation of results;
– define a tailored exploitation plan that will make use of dissemination activities as complement to reach relevant stakeholders and stimulate dialogue on the topics addressed in the project;
– implement the sustainability plan encouraging continuity after the co-financing by the EU has been terminated.
To achieve these aims, the work package will include the following tasks:
T8.1 Drafting of an Exploitation Plan
A shared Exploitation Plan will support the definition of a set of priorities in accordance with defined objectives and impact criteria in order to ensure proof of implementation of the projects achievements.
T8.2 Elaboration of an Agreements of Cooperation with schools
In order to strength the relation and collaboration between Universities and Schools for the application of the teacher training model an Agreement of Cooperation will be realized and proposed to schools and aimed at improving teachers’ skills to the use of formative assessment in mathematics education in order to promote effective learning for all students.
T8.3 Organization of the Final Conferences
A Final Conferences will be organized in Bologna. A knowledge networking will be defined for the Final Conferences and organize plenary and parallel sessions for particular target of participants (teachers, trainers, students, professionals, etc.), including the event of the the “Dissemination Prize”.
T8.4 Short videos
Realisation of short videos for the dissemination and exploitation of projects results will be realized, in particular referring to experiences analyzed in WP2 and WP3 and the activities carried out in WP4 (at last 5 videos, one for each partners).
T8.5 Briefings with policy and decision-makers in the educational field at national level
Having identified other practices, experiences, projects, actions, initiatives dealing with the objectives and issues of the project, the consortium will create synergies that will guarantee a successful exploitation of the project’s results through briefings with policy and decision-makers and educational agencies at national level.