WP Leader: UCP
Institutions involved: All Partners
The work package aims to:
– make a focus on the practices of formative assessment of the mathematics’ teachers;
– gather information on training & learning needs of teachers;
– collection and analysis of data on the formative assessment of the mathematics’ teachers in the school contexts of the different partner countries involved.
To achieve these aims, the work package will include the following tasks:
T3.1 Synthesis of the practices’ analysis: interview, questionnaire and videos data in real situation of mathematics teaching;
We organize a series of activities aimed at identifying examples of teaching and assessment practices (both positive and negative). These practices, through video recording, will be analysed according to the method of microanalysis and will be particularly useful as a training tool for teachers.
T3.2 Definition of common protocol of data collection;
With the support of the research works TIMSS (http://nces.ed.gov/timss/), we will define a common protocol, including:
methodology of data collection;
methodology of data analysis;
methodology of data selection for training.
T3.3 Definition of common protocol of data analysis;
This methodology of analysis will be focus on the competences analysis to be able to join it into the training curricula.
T3.4 Selection and Indexation of data for construction of the web repository
First objective of the task consists in to put in parallel the speech of the interviews with the analysis of the actions in situations. The second objective is to have videos of situations to allow working on the reflexive action in life-long training. The third objective is to have materials for the training: contents, videos in situation and teachers’ feedback analysis.