24-25-26 November 2016 – Final meeting
Some photos of the meeting THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th Address: Palazzina della Viola, Via Filippo Re, 4, 40126 Bologna Time Details Led by 09.30– 10:30 Arrive at University of Bologna Welcome to project partners Presentation of meeting planning General overview of the end of the FAMT&L Project UNIBO 10:30 –…

7-9 April 2016 Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana: meeting 5 – agenda
Some photos of the meeting THURSDAY, April 7th Time Details Led by 13.30– 14:00 Arrive at SUPSI/DFA SUPSI 14:00 – 14:30 Welcome to project partners General overview of the project WP1 – Presentation of next phases of the Project and outstanding issues SUPSI/UNIBO 14:30 – 16:00 (parallel session)…

FAMT&L Competition
We have published a page with the rules of FAMT&L competition. Feel free to pick up informations here: http://www.famt-l.eu/competition/

Pilot courses
An important step of our project is the provision of training courses for in-service teachers to promote the correct use of formative assessment in the teaching practices. As of November 2015, in all partner countries, we will be provided pilot courses that will serve as a model and a experimentation for future training experiences.

22 – 24 September 2015 University of Cyprus: Meeting 4 – Video Analysis and Pilot Course Model
Programme of meeting Tuesday 22th September 15,00 – 15,30 Arrive at University of Cyprus 15:30 – 16:00 Welcome to project partners 16:00 – 17:00 WP1 – Presentation of next phases of the Project and outstanding issues 17:00 – 17:45 WP2 – Educational/learning needs analysis of teachers: teachers and students beliefs…

8-10 September 2014 University of Cergy-Pontoise: Meeting 2 – Recording e Processing video data
Programme of meeting Monday 8.09.2014 (14H30-18H) Presentations of results students questionnaires (data collect from Cyprus, Italy and Swiss) Presentation and discussions of modalities for statistical treatment (Cluster Analysis with C.H.I.C or Implicative Diagrams or Structural Equation) Discussions how to articulate results from questionnaires and practices from videos Dissemination: publications (ADMEE…