List of publications:
– Paraskevi Michael – Chrysanthou, Athanasios Gagatsis & Ira Vannini
Formative assessment in mathematics: A theoretical model
Acta Didactica Universitatis Comenianae Mathematics, issue 14, 2014
Paraskevi Michael – Chrysanthou
Η διαμορφωτική αξιολόγηση στη διδασκαλία και μάθηση των μαθηματικών
(Formative assessment in Mathematics for teaching and learning)
XII Pedagógiai Értékelési Konferencia, 2014
– Paraskevi Michael – Chrysanthou, Athanasios Gagatsis
Students’ beliefs for formative assessment in Mathematics teaching and Learning
PPT Presentation
– Laurent Jeannin, Iuliana Rossi, Athanasios Gagatsis, Paraskevi Michael, Ira Vannini, Giorgio Bolondi, Federica Ferretti, Laura Tartufoli, Silvia Sbaragli, Miriam Salvisberg, Rob Velder
Quelle évaluation formative en mathématique au sein de ces 5 pays : Italie, Chypre, Suisse, Hollande et France : Projet Européen FAMT&L.
ADMEE, 2015
PPT presentation
-Federica Ferretti, Stefania Lovece
La valutazione formativa per la didattica della matematica nell’ambito del progetto FAMT&L. Le concezioni degli studenti di scuola media nei confronti degli strumenti di verifica utilizzati in classe,
in Ricerche di Pedagogia e didattica, Vol 10/2015 No. 2, pp.39-68
– Paraskevi Michael – Chrysanthou, Stefania Lovece & Ira Vannini
Exploring teachers’ beliefs on formative assessment in mathematics teaching and learning in Cyprus and Italy
Conference – EAPRL 2015
– Stefania Lovece, Ira Vannini & Paraskevi Michael-Chrysanthou
Methodologies and tools for the video analysis of formative assessment practices in classroom (with students aged from 11 to 16)
Conference – EAPRL 2015
– Giorgio Bolondi, Federica Ferretti, Stefania Lovece and Ira Vannini (University of Bologna), Elena Franchini, Miriam Salvisberg and Silvia Sbaragli (DFA-SUPSI of Locarno)
The formative assessment in mathematics education. First results of an international project
National Conference “Encounters with Mathematics n. 29”, Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna (6-7-8 November 2015)
– Bolondi, G., Ferretti, F., Gimigliano, A.; Lovece, S.; Vannini, I., The Use of Videos in the Training of Math Teachers: Formative Assessment in Math Teaching and Learning, in: Integrating video into pre-service and in-service teacher training, Hershey PA, IGI Global, in corso di stampa, pp. 128 – 145
– Vannini, I., La Valutazione Formativa in classe: formare la professionalità degli insegnanti di matematica attraverso la videoanalisi. Un percorso di ricerca all’interno di un progetto internazionale.
Presentation at International conference: « Video digitali e formazione egli insegnanti ». Cagliari (Italy) 1 luglio 2016.
– Lovece, S. The use of video in a teacher training course to promote the correct use of formative assessment for improving Mathematics teaching and learning, in: Educating the Best Teachers: a Challenge for Teacher Education Proceedings of the 41st Annual ATEE Conference, Brussels, Belgium, ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe) 2106, pp. 106 – 114.
– Gagatsis, A., Michael – Chrysanthou, P., Christodoulou, T., & Elia, I. (2016). Formative Assessment in The Teaching And Learning of Mathematics in Cyprus. Nicosia: University of Cyprus.
– Dozio, E., Franchini, E., Salvisberg, M., & Sbaragli, S. (2015). Le convinzioni di docenti e studenti sulla valutazione formativa in matematica. Scuola ticinese. 3, 27-30.
– Laurent, J., Salvisberg, M., Vannini, I., Sbaragli, S. Méthodologies et outils pour l’analyse vidéo de pratiques d’évaluation formative en classe. Un projet de recherche internationale, ADMEE, 2016, Lisbone.
– Michael-Chrysanthou, P., Christodoulou, T., Elia, I., & Gagatsis, A. (2016). Multiple semiotic means in the use of formative assessment in secondary school mathematics. La matematica e la sua didattica. 24(1-2), 125-144.